Ontario Plants

Friendly Neighbourhood Gardenings
Based in Toronto and Eastern Ontario, we provide plants and gardening know-how for all kinds of situations. We specialize in fruiting trees and shrubs, both domesticated and wild, ground cover, and ornamental and landscaping plants. We emphasize using plants native to Ontario. We also consult in the planning and design of low-maintenance, high-impact gardens.

Good Gardening
What we do has an impact on the world, and we should make sure our impact is as positive as possible. Our principles tell us what we should try to do and what we definitely shoudn’t do.
We encourage planting native plants, when there are good choices
We encourage planting responsibly – plants shouldn’t be planted unless they have a good chance of surviving and thriving.
We encourage planting of edibles – because, why not? Be kind to ourselves and the animal life we share our gardens with.
We encourage the planting of low-maintenance and location-appropriate plants, which will be stronger and prevent damage to the soil or the environment from artificial fertilizers or excessive watering, etc.